The concept for this blog began many years ago when I graduated from university and moved to Morocco to begin teaching music.  The DuneHopper Diaries was originally an email newsletter that I used to keep family and friends updated on my travels, teaching, and other assorted adventures.  That newsletter morphed into a blog of the same name when I moved to Kenya to continue teaching music.  The blog evolved as the road of life kept twisting: from Kenya to a graduate program in London, to a music teaching job in South Africa, through a battle with thyroid cancer, and now a move back to the United States.

Though the blog is no longer called the DuneHopper, its essence is the same.

I am a wanderer who often wonders at this world.  Sometimes I write about my wanderings and sometimes about my wonderings.  However you came to join me here, I hope you enjoy this meditative ramble.

~ Lillis

One response to “About The Author”

  1. Vicky Cole Avatar
    Vicky Cole

    Sending you lots of love from kenya


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